Join me on monthly workshops

Starting with workshop Emotional Intelligence on June 14th 2023, i’ll be hosting English workshop every month.

The first one went really well and I am very happy for the upcoming ones!

Here you can sign up to an email list, on which I will send information about upcoming workshops.

Here are some insights from the first workshop

One of the basic traits we, humans, possess, are emotions. They impact our daily lives, decisions, relationships, our passions and desires, our behaviour in general.

Sometimes positively, sometimes negatively.

Have you ever wondered about what is the root of our emotional intelligence in our psyches?

What are emotions, psychologically-wise? Why are emotions important?

How impactful are emotions on our daily lives? Why and how they can be controlled?

Have you considered emotional intelligence to be exercised as a muscle, the same way as a biceps?

Do you know how is emotional intelligence attached to willpower or discipline?

Join me on this short workshop, get these questions answered and try out simple exercises to get your emotional intelligence in shape.

We went through theory of jungian analytical psychology, then we moved to 3 simple but powerful exercises, which will get your EQ in shape.

  1. Feeling the opposite

  2. Neutralisation

  3. Move from one opposite to another

If you would like to get your EQ into shape, lets have a talk about that on a free session!


Willpower vs Discipline


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