Walk the the hardest, but the most beautiful way in your life…

What is your next huge step?

Take this step with me, with the intention to start the
never-ending process of becoming the master… of yourself.

Manifest the self-mastery in your life.

What is the point of self-mastery? Why is it probably the most important quest and goal in our lives? What happens if we fail to reach it?
What are the aspects of self-mastery? What does it take to reach self-mastery? What is the one thing masters from all the history have in common?

Discover all the answers in this short video.

Take this step with me, with the intention to start the
never-ending process of becoming the master… of yourself

When the student is ready, the master will appear. When the master is ready, the student will appear.

Take the next huge step in your life.

Begin the way to become the master of yourself with me.

3-4 people.

6 months.

4 parts.

18 group sessions.

18 individual coaching sessions.

My next huge step will be, again, the combination of the most powerful concepts and techniques I use with my clients, push their value into their limit and onto people who will use them the most.

This concept has been in my mind for a while, but it needed some time to mature, age and grow. The more I use them, and the more my clients get in touch with them, the more powerful they become.

I also have decided to make this program in English, as we can reach more diversity of people and their circumstances.

The program will be for 3-5 people only, and it is called Self-Mastery. The concept of self-mastery calls to me the most, when it comes to self-improvement, growth and dealing with life’s challenges. I believe it empowers an individual the most, determining the approaches he has to make.

The programe will have 4 parts, as I believe is the concept of self-mastery divided to, and will be dedicated to 4 concepts:

  1. Emotional intelligence and Mastery of the Moods and Emotions
  2. Willpower and Discipline and Mastery of Your Energy Fuel
  3. Concepts known as Four Turnings and Mastery of the Cycle of Time
  4. Lifestyle Design and Mastery of the Self

I will be communicating the details of these parts in the upcoming workshops, as they are complex and you will be able to grasp them more properly.

One of the most important things is that during the program, we will take your individual circumstances and apply them to these 4 concepts. Over these 6 months, you will be able to progress and move your circumstances and your life further into your desired destination. The destination may vary over time and over the program. The circumstances might change. Your decisions will lead you - and we will observe all of that, understand as much as we can and bring you the closest we can to the destination. Some of us would define the destination as a goal, for some of us would be THE WAY ITSELF to the destination as the goal. Both of these is true, it depends on the operations of you and your psyché. I will guide you to understanding of what suits more to your story.

The First Part - Emotional Intelligence and Mastery of the Moods and Emotions.

The first part of the program will be dedicated to Emotional Intelligence and Mastery of the Moods and Emotions.
Take the grasp of this topic from my workshop about Emotional Intelligence, which had taken place on June 14th.

The second part - Willpower and Discipline and Mastery of your Energy Fuel

The second part of the program will be dedicated to the mastery of your Energy Fuel, which has direct influence on your time and energy management.

Take the grasp of this topic on my workshop about Willpower vs Discipline, which will be taking place on 12th of July

Watch the teaser

The third part of the program will be about Mastery of the Cycle of Time, from Concepts known as Four Turnings.

Take the grasp of this topic on my workshop, which will be taking place in the end of July.

The final part of the program will be about Lifestyle Design and Mastery of the Self

The workshop to this section will be taking place in the first part of the August.

The structure of the program:

  • 18 weeks - precise times will be confirmed and scheduled after filling the spots

  • 3 group-sessions over 1 month, weekly break at the end of the month to get more context into your cirumstances

    • group sessions take about 1,5 hour, depending on the length of the discussion after lectures

    • after every month, there will be a sum-up of that particular month, revision of your context and the “next steps” exercise.

  • 18 individual sessions

    • 1,5 hour each, where we will get through your context and make the progress to your destination

You will receive materials from every lecture, so you can apply any of these concepts in your life after the program ends.
We will also be having one-to-one sessions weekly, so we can properly progress in your individual circumstances, as well.

Watch the teaser

Watch the workshop

How to sign up:

If you can sense the calling to this program and would like to participate - lets have a call on this link.
We need to find out at first how this program might be beneficial for you.

Shall we find out that in your situation this program is not something that would fit to you, we will go over other alternatives on how to approach your situation, so you will get added value from our call, regardless on whether you would join the program or not.

Shall we find that this program is for you, I will answer all your questions right on. We will find an ambitious but realistic goal together. When you decide to join, we will design your individual preparation for the program and all the information so that you can get the most out of it

This initial call is a win-win for everyone - you shall get info and insight into your circumstances, I shall get the time to get in touch and sense with you. At the same time, we both have nothing to lose.

Testimonials of people who have walked with me:

ZONES program:


- I am quite excited about typology - even through the program and I want to devote myself to it after the program. When I compare it before and after the program - I see that I am doing much better after the program. It opened my eyes. - Knowing myself through typologies - I have a different view of my things and the behavior of people - more. I understand people's behavior and that it is neutral - it opened my eyes, each of us is different, you have to look at people and how they work with respect. I definitely want to develop and continue to do so

- Great work people, very rewarding

- Vice and virtue – I revealed different areas in myself thanks to typology

- When I look at it retrospectively - as far as self-knowledge is concerned - it's great, something that gives me a lot. It is important to be consistent when one wants to work with the head. I want to thank Erik for his patience - we are all busy and always managed to get along. flexibility and operability - a little jogging and a little hard work - we can say a marathon


- I met different people with similar thinking and we had a completely different view of the world

- I learned a lot through observations through typologies and I know how to deal with the people around me.

- Practicing with gratitude has given me a lot and I hope I will keep it for a long time.


- I agree with Milan - I was under stress regarding exercise

- but we always discussed everything at a joint meeting and it made sense to me

- I evaluated the whole meeting - I evaluated the expectations that I wanted to fulfill - I did not find anything that could not be fulfilled - in general, about the rejection and the things that we dealt with, and it really surprised me

- It was interesting for me to see how others perceive things, that they don't always have the same view.

- It made a lot of work and private relationships worse for me

- I understood other people more, I don't experience so many mistakes and misunderstandings, and that was the biggest lesson for me

- I always thought that it was always up to the person how to behave - but when I saw typing in depth, it made a lot of sense to me, I was interested in how it is possible to work nicely with it and understand people


- At the beginning, there is enthusiasm - then circumstances and reality will come

- I have learned about myself - I am most comfortable with 2 max 3 people - the more in a group - the more I get lost. I need the most personal approach possible

- It gave me a lot of self-reflection.. if he is the type of person who takes care of himself and you exchange feedback, when that person listens and knows how to transfer knowledge, like you gave me.

- Two months gave me a lot in terms of possibilities - although I went for 30/40%, I figured out how to work together in the framework of coaching - but I am more comfortable with a monthly/two-weekly frequency.

- It's self-development time well spent, better than books, which I thought would give me a lot, but this is much more personal and you work on things in real situations.


- When I started - I was in a period when radical changes took place and I started with clean paper - a combination of circumstances that I got to Eric through Katka - interesting that we have known each other since I was a child, I got to him through Katka she told me that she was a coach and just I needed a coach.

- It helped me a lot in the framework of individual sessions - I found out who I really am, what my needs are, what I want and what fulfills me - that was the greatest value for me.

- I don't evaluate it as part of the program - it's a boy's thing in my life.

- Then, based on what I discovered, I made decisions and dealt with things that limited me. I started with a clean sheet of paper and the decisions were very difficult

- I see a huge shift in myself

- And I also solved my expectations, even beyond the scope, they were very busy months

- I didn't deal with just one area, I dealt with everything at once because it was all very connected.

The Pygmalion Effect:


I honestly had no expectations of what coaching would be like, when Erik told me it sounded interesting, I'm an open person and I like to learn new things. I had no idea what things a person could learn and what topics a person could solve with a coach. From that point of view, it answered my questions. It was super interesting to watch your interaction. I understand that the style is somewhat defined by the coach, but it still doesn't enter into the client's thinking and you always wondered how the meeting would go. It was also interesting to see the development on both sides. At the same time, you could see authenticity from both sides - you didn't have anything prepared in advance, and I think there are few opportunities to see something truly authentic, without post-production and the like. This was so refreshing to me. I saw that you both had such moments that hey, this is going strange, what are we going to do about it.. And that's exactly how things go in life.


I was interested, as we mentioned at the Q&A, that the fear of setting a specific goal because it then means that I have a commitment to it. And I often had that too, the fear of adjusting the vision in the process, which is completely normal, changing it on the go. I really liked, for example, with you, Tibi, that what is goal after goal. Erik thinks rather so abstractly, and you approach it concretely. But I'm also so abstract-minded, but I also like the concrete things. And I liked how you led Erik to the specifics. I need to see many examples of coaching approaches to find out which one suits me, and based on the approach of others and what I like about them, I will create my own. I need to see how it is done and experience it. You do it this way, you do it that way, and what resonates with me is what I want to do. I realized that it's good to be coached, it's good to coach, but also to see others coach. another point I have is, which you also noted well, that there must be good chemistry between the coach and the client. I really enjoyed these final assessment questions.

I liked the idea of seeing a coach I don't know coaching, but I know the coach he coaches. Erik looks like he has things sorted out and that he didn't need to deal with completely transformative things, I'd love to see that in a person who really troubles me and how it moves him. Well, I liked how the topics were revealed and during the third session there was a twist and he discovered the feeling that this is actually what I want plus the steps to it. It's interesting that coaching doesn't have to be about those things changing his life from the ground up, but seeing him take significant steps towards what he wants, maybe even in half a year.


For me, the beginning, I was a little lost, because you spoke very abstractly and it was obvious that you had to tune into each other, and that you jumped from topic to topic, maybe also the nervousness since it was being recorded. And then there was that one session where I was there and it dawned on me what was actually being done, and you mentioned several times that it started to be really real. In terms of the concept, it was great in that it wasn't crammed together, but that there was distance and there was time to shift in real time. And it was interesting to watch you, what it actually looks like when you work together for a long time, how you also develop and a second look at it. Many times I turned it into how we do it in the company or what it looks like when you coach me, so I have highlights from it. And great for me

Conquer the world by conquering

- Zeno of Cintium

What you seek is seeking you

- Rumi

When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.

- Alchemyst

Integrity if a form of power we have over ourselves.
The power we have over ourselves
has direct influence over our circumstances.

- Erik Danko

Be the change you want to
see in this world

- Mahatma Gandhí

Embrace your callings.

Feel the strength of the group.

Experience the power of coaching.