Why should (and will) everyone on the planet learn typology?

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Why should everyone on the planet learn typology? How to avoid conflicts (or more properly said, prevent being in a conflict)? 
Why our minds are replicated over time? Why typology is a real thing - that archetype is simply a symbol of preference of our usage of our locations in our brain?
Why you don’t need a diploma to understand your psyché and psyché of others?
Why is it for some types easier to understand type and psychology in general than to others? How can we help understand those who are unable to understand?
Why is psychology not a pseudoscience, rather a very abstract science like mathematics?
Why is a concept of dividing people into certain types NOT contemporary, and where does it start throughout the history? 

We discuss such questions and even more with Sarah and James, a couple who runs very inspiring, educational instagram account called OnType. 

They educate typology in a very simple way, so people are able to understand it easier.
I speak from my exerience as a transformational coach and how I use typology not only in my coaching practice, but also in my other work and in daily life in general.



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