Join me on my third workshop, out of four in total, to get a grasp about my next group program called Self-Mastery.
You may get to know more about the program here
Third part of the program is about four seasons in our lives, which occur indefinitely. During the workshop e will look closer to the winter of our lives - the Crisis.
This part is inspired by the book The Fourth Turning.
How to handle a crisis in any area of your life?
We all know periods in our lives when we withdraw to think and process our thoughts and emotions.
And we all know periods in our lives, when we are sad, when we cry, when we question what we know, when we potentially hate ourselves or something that happened to us.
But crisis are regular, inevitable, and also very useful, though they might not seem like that.
What are crisis good for, then? What are we supposed to do during the crisis? How to make the most out of these dark periods in our lives? How to find the hope, the spark, energy, taste to live life again?
Join me in this month's workshop, get healed from the hard times and get yourself motivated to live another nice day!